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  • Backup and restore
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Backup and restore

Follow these 10 steps to backup and restore the database in ADAudit Plus.

  1. Stop ADAudit Plus, go to the Start menu > Services > Right-click the ADAudit Plus service, and select Stop.
  2. Go to <Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\bin, open an elevated command prompt (right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator), and execute StartDB.bat.
  3. Execute BackupDB.bat.

    On executing BackupDB.bat, the back up file will be saved at the default location (<Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\backup), under the default name (OfflineBackup_<timestamp>.ezip), with the default password (Backup@123$).

    Note 1: On executing BackupDB.bat, in addition to a timestamped .ezip file titled 'OfflineBackup_<timestamp>.ezip' getting created under <Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\backup, a timestamped folder will also get created under <Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\backup\EventData.

    Alternately, if you want to specify a location, name, and password for the back up file, execute BackupDB.bat BackupDirectory BackupFileName -p <password>.

    Here, BackupDirectory is the location where you want to save the back up file. BackupFileName is the name you want to provide for the back up file. -p <password> is the password you want to configure for the back up file.

    For example, if you want to save the back up file at E:\smith\backup, name the file as ADAPBackup, and configure the password as Pass@123$, execute BackupDB.bat E:\smith\backup ADAPBackup -p Pass@123$.

    Note 2: Ensure that you remember the configured password, without which the back up file cannot be recovered.

  4. Install a new instance of ADAudit Plus with the same build number as the old one. Start the new instance, go to the Start menu > Services > Right-click the ADAudit Plus service, and select Start. Now, stop the new instance, go to the Start menu > Services > Right-click the ADAudit Plus service, and select Stop.
  5. Go to <Installation-directory of old instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus, copy and paste the folder titled 'patch' to <Installation-directory of new instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus.
  6. Go to <Installation-directory of new instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\bin, open an elevated Command Prompt (right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator), and execute RestoreDB.bat ZipFileLocation -p password.

    Here, ZipFileLocation is the location of the back up file. -p password is the password of the back up file.

    For example, in step 3, if you have saved the back up file at E:\smith\backup, named the file as ADAPBackup, and configured the password as Pass@123$, execute RestoreDB.bat E:\smith\backup\ADAPBackup -p Pass@123$.

    In step 3, if you did not specify a location, name, and password for the back up file and simply executed BackupDB.bat, execute RestoreDB.bat <Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\backup\OfflineBackup_<timestamp>.ezip -p Backup@123$.

  7. Execute RestoreEventTables.bat FolderLocation.

    Here FolderLocation is the location of the folder mentioned in Note 1 under step 3.

    For example, in step 3, if you have saved the back up file at E:\smith\backup, execute RestoreEventTables.bat E:\smith\backup\EventData.

    In step 3, if you did not specify a location, name, and password for the back up file and simply executed BackupDB.bat, execute RestoreEventTables.bat <Installation-directory>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\backup\EventData.

  8. Go to <Installation-directory of new instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\conf, rename the customer-config.xml and database_params.conf files to any name.
  9. Go to <Installation-directory of old instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\conf, copy and paste the customer-config.xml and database_params.conf files into <Installation-directory of new instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\conf.
  10. Go to <Installation-directory of old instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus, copy and paste the apps folder into <Installation-directory of new instance>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus.
  11. Start ADAudit Plus, go to the Start menu > Services > Right-click the ADAudit Plus service, and select Start.

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